Friday, October 25, 2013

HOB today

Most every boater is encouraged to practice a Man Overboard Drill - fondly known as a MOB. Today, we had a HOB. Long time boaters know that's a Hat Overboard Drill! Yes, today someone who will remain nameless lost a hat. Lucky for this crew member, it was before the really great sailing began. In fact, we were just leaving Treasure Cay. So, it was the perfect time to practice. And so we did. The call went out for a spotter to watch the hat. The boat hooks came out. The helmsman started the appropriate maneuvers. The crew members fished with the boat hooks. And one fine hat was rescued.

FYI- the crew member holding the soggy hat is not the owner. And, the hat is still drying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article.