Tuesday, October 22, 2013

We're in the Middle of Nowhere

Our trip out of Ft. Pierce would have made amusement parks jealous! Yes, indeed, the weather people lead us astray once again. The forecasters overlooked those pesky pop up thunderstorms. Technically, they were to the north of us at Jacksonville. However, they were still able to give us strong winds and lots of wave action. Yes, Dear Readers, LUX was pitching and pounding her way out of Ft. Pierce. Some members of the crew went straight to their bunks. The true sailors stood on the deck admiring the moon. And LUX sailed on through the night.

Now, it's mid morning. The skies are clear. It's warm. The water is a gorgeous blue green. All around. From horizon to horizon. Yes, we are far enough away from everything so that the only thing you see is water. Here's the view from the back of the boat.

Here's the view from the starboard side of the boat.

I don't think it's necessary to continue the pictures. Believe me, it all looks the same. Gorgeous, but the same all around the boat. And, finally, not even any birds for Susan! We are already close enough to the Bahamas that we are only in 22 feet of water. 

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