Thursday, October 31, 2019

Up Early Again

Yesterday was another long day on the water. But, Dear Readers, we have not one single bad boater story to relate. It is true that I could share stories of power boaters roaring past us, uncaring of wake or waves. But, that is the usual day on the ICW.

Instead, let me share some good news.
Look! DOLPHINS! Three of them rising and diving in the waves. Okay, so your view is not as good as mine. Feel free to blame the photographer. When the best views could be seen, she was busy yelling, "Arg! Where is my phone?"

We left our dear dolphin friends behind, and we headed on towards Southport.
Southport Marina has, in the past, been a favorite stop. As you can see, it is the favorite stop for many boaters- so many that they did not have room for us.

We pushed on to try a new marina recommended by a fellow boater- St. James Plantation Marina. This marina has a tight entrance.
Could it be that they planned it this way? After all, it is a golf course community. It probably seemed quite natural to make this a narrow fairway!

We did eat dinner at the restaurant overlooking the marina. There are no pictures. The food was so good that we ate it all before anyone thought to take a picture.

This morning, we are leaving under a beautiful sunrise. 
It was so beautiful that I could not resist taking multiple shots. The weather may turn rainy later today, but it is beautiful right now.

Happy Halloween. No tricks for us today- just the treat of being on the water.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Happy Halloween to you,too.
Here in MD we have both tricks and treats. The tricky weather is calling for the worst of the boat show weather including the high tides. The treat is the there is supposed to be a 3-6 pm break in the weather for the trick or treaters. Looks like South Carolina is the place to be.