Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In Treasure Cay

We spent the afternoon and night in Treasure Cay. As you can see from the pictures, it is quite the tourist area. The big excitement yesterday was actually getting in here. The entrance was actually a narrow channel shaped like a long U. A real switchback on the water! Once inside, though, it is a lovey cove. You can see why it is so popular in the high season. Right now, it is only a handful of boats. No waiting for showers!

Treasure Cay does offer a nice shopping area. It has a great grocery store, a big laundromat, and a wonderful bakery. This morning, we had really yummy cinnamon rolls. You can see the remains in the picture.

We plan to spend the rest of the day just lazing about here. A nice, quiet day for us.

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