Tuesday, October 22, 2013

OMG! Today's Bird Sighting is Unbelieveable!

So, most of the crew was sitting after breakfast...finishing up coffees and teas....telling salty tales... When the strangest thing happened.

A little bird about the size of a wren flew in, and it landed on Tom's head! No pictures because Tom shooed that bird away immediately before it had any thoughts of making a deposit! Now, we're busy staring at Tom waiting for the bird to return!

But, through the magic of editing software, we were able to recreate the moment.

Yes, I totally recommend Snapseed and Over if you want to play with pictures. Snapseed gives you lots of editing power on the IPad- at least enough for an amateur like me. You can straighten the photos, increase the contrast, add frames.... And lots of other fun applications. Over has built-in icons,, words and phrases. It also lets you add your own text. And, voila, you end up with a picture of Tom with a cool t-shirt and a bird on his head!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Best bird sighting yet.