Friday, February 5, 2016

Afternoon Update

Well, we have given up waiting on it to go above 80 degrees.

Yes, my Dear Readers, the blender is out. Piña coladas are made. We're having party snacks before we go off for pizza and jazz.

In other news, the dingy motor is finally working. Gee, projects here are just like projects at home. It takes three trips to the store to get all the necessary stuff. Of course, here it is harder because you don't have a car. You must either hitch a ride with someone who has the loaner car, or get to the sign up first. Mike did both, so he got the full effect of engine maintenance in exotic locales.

Tonight, it's pizza and jazz on the beach - maybe. It has turned cold and windy here. As you can tell, it's all the way down to 72 degrees. OMG!

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